My Story
My name is David Dawson (most people call me Dave).
My life’s journey has been one of searching; searching for truth, meaning and purpose. I never truly felt comfortable "in my skin" growing up, but I always tried to make the best of things, in every situation. As I grew to adulthood, I started to question many of the values that "the system" had impressed upon me. As such I have spent most of my life trying to find truth, particularly as to the purpose of my existence.
Intuitively, I felt compassion for those who were struggling in their life and clearly needed help. Whether it was advice, guidance or physical assistance, I tried to offer what I could without really knowing what I was doing, or why for that matter! My instinct has always been to try and help others we I can. This is reflected in my career as a consultant. Not only did I get great pleasure from helping others to perform their jobs better but also in seeing their personal development and confidence grow with new knowledge.
I started investigating spiritual knowledge and growth in the 1970’s and have found that over time people have come into my life for a reason. To me it was so that one or other of us was seeking guidance or advice on certain matters and then, perhaps after getting what we needed from each other, they would drop out of my life just as suddenly as they had popped into it. I have come to understand that the great tapestry of life weaves our lives in and out of the lives of people we meet for a reason, whether it is for our benefit or theirs. Some of this is karma related and some of it is due to arrangements we have made together in the spirit world prior to coming into incarnation, to assist in our life journeys in this life.
I have long known that I work with energy on the inner planes, particularly the blue ray energy. It is a habit of mine that I have persisted with throughout my life, that whenever I meet or pass by someone whom I feel will benefit, I will send them blue ray energy in the form of a love light gift. I intuitively sense energy disorders or imbalance in others and direct love light energy to them. Yet, I have felt this is not enough and I sought guidance from my higher self. The answer I got was in the form of an introduction to Delores Canon's books. I initially saw this as spam in the form of emails and random Web browser pop-ups, but I soon understood that this was the universe sending me the answer to my question. After reading one of Dolores' books, I was hooked and started to investigate the concept of QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique).
After searching the QHHT website I discovered there were several practitioners in my area, so I decided to arrange a session with one of these people to see what QHHT was all about. Within a month I had a second session with another practitioner (validation I guess you could call it, or as Delores would call it, "Mister Stupid" needed convincing!).
After the first session I enrolled in the QHHT Level 1 online course on intuitive inspiration. Then, during the second session, my Higher Self confirmed that this was the right decision for me and that I was finally heading in the correct direction. It also confirmed that I came to this earth as a blue energy entity to assist the transition of humanity as the Earth (Gaia) transitions from the 3rd dimension to 5th dimensional consciousness.
I have apparently had several previous lives in physical (human) and non-physical (energy) forms on this planet. My purpose is to bring the healing blue energy to bear wherever I find a need, consciously and subconsciously. This is the path that I follow and now QHHT provides me with another avenue to serve my fellow human beings; it is the missing tool through which I can more readily and easily facilitate the purpose of my mission.
I seek to help and guide those in need of healing, or are themselves looking for la reason for their existence on this planet at this time. I offer my services in good faith and at no cost as a I see it as a service to humanity.
It should be noted that QHHT is a “face-to-face” modality and as such is not available remotely, or on-line. Spiritual guidance and advice, however, can be provided remotely, as can blue ray energy healing. As with any form of successful healing (traditional, modern or alternative) there has to be a strong level of belief in the modality being applied, not just by the practitioner but also the person requiring help. This in itself provides positive energy to the healing process and impacts greatly on the desired outcome.
If you feel as though you need help, why not give me a call or contact me for an initial chat about what I might be able to do to help. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you in whatever capacity suits your need.
What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?
Dolores Cannon’s method of hypnosis, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique℠ (QHHT®), involves inducing an individual into the Somnambulistic state of trance through visualisation. A state which under ordinary circumstances is experienced only twice daily: the moment just before you become consciously awake and the moment just before you fall asleep. Historically, hypnotists have avoided conducting research with subjects in this state because of the often strange and inexplicable results that are recorded. Dolores Cannon begun her research of lost knowledge and reincarnation in the late 1960s by developing QHHT® for past life regression sessions with her subjects.
Not one to be limited by this disciplinary stigma, it was working with clients specifically in the Somnambulistic state and exploring the possibilities that led Dolores to discover that any individual can gain access to experiences of Past Lives they have lived. It was also exploring with clients in this state that she discovered an infinitely knowledgeable and powerful aspect of each individual that can be contacted and communicated with. This part of ourselves, as Dolores had learned, is always present with us and exists just below the surface of our conscious mind, so she appropriately chose to label it The Subconscious. The Subconscious is what gave her and practitioners of her QHHT® technique access to past lives and performs instantaneous healings when appropriate.
Over her 45-year career, her technique has proven to be effective on thousands of people all over the world regardless of their Age, Gender, Personality, Physical Symptoms, Religious Beliefs or Cultural Backgrounds. Supplementing the vast body of work Dolores had produced, the results experienced by QHHT® Practitioners, students of Dolores who have learned her technique and practice it with their own clients, conclusively support the finding that we have all lived multiple Other Lives and we all have a Subconscious which contains the answers to any question we may have about ourselves or the life we are living.
What is Past Life Regression?
Past Life Regression is the first component of Dolores’ QHHT® technique and involves the individual being regressed and guided through an appropriate past life from the first scene they first view, throughout the various periods of the life and eventually through to the death scene.
The Subconscious will select what past life to show the individual and they will be guided through it by the QHHT® practitioner conducting the session. The past life the Subconscious chooses to show an individual is always relevant to the current life the individual is living now and it is not uncommon for multiple Past Lives to be shown during a single session. The QHHT® practitioner will navigate an individual through a Past Life using a series of questions to help determine the time period and social setting of the life.
What is the Subconscious?
Dolores' Definition
The Subconscious that was contacted by Dolores and the practitioners of her QHHT® technique is the polar opposite to the subconscious referred to by psychologists and conventional medical professionals. During her early years as a hypnotherapist, Dolores became aware that through her unique technique of induction she was contacting and communicating with a portion of an individual’s consciousness that was indeed a part of them, yet lay far above the level of their conscious mind, which is the part of ourselves we are aware of and use to interact with others on a personal level.
The Subconscious is a suitable label given the context of Dolores’ work; however, religions and spiritual teachers alike have attempted to identify and label this larger part of ourselves throughout history using a variety of different labels: the Higher Self, the Oversoul, Christ Consciousness, Higher Consciousness, the Universal Mind and Oneness. The Subconscious had stated to Dolores that it does not care what we call it, it simply ‘Is’ and is willing to work with those with a pure heart and true intent.
The Subconscious has the ability to identify any physical problem it detects within the body to a QHHT® Practitioner and explain the causes for its presence, be it from the current life or a past life. The Subconscious is then asked if it is suitable for healing to occur, which, if it is, is done instantaneously with no medication, surgery or pain involved. Very often, simply understanding why a disease is present or why a particular emotion is being experienced is sufficient for it to be relieved and removed by the Subconscious.